So- this week was CRAZY!!!!
we had our district meeting then went to a different city, Maringalva,
(still in our area) for lunch. Then we traveled to the next city,
Maraguií, (still in our area) to teach a woman who came to church. Well
she LOVES us, and she baked a cake for us!!!! Our problem is that she´s
not married and still likes her church.
When we returned to Sarandi we had our English class which went
WAYYY better than the first time. Ha- we taught head, shoulders, knees,
and toes. Everyone liked that.
(side note- I´m teaching
english to one of the missionaries here who is from Paraguay. This is
her testimony: I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know the Church is
true. I know God loves me, and only me.
hahahaha! Also, we were at lunch one day and saw the members had
the movie "the emporer´s new grove" and learned that Sister Solis likes
the movie too. So I´m teaching her a line in english that maybe is
applicable: "It´s a good thing you´re not a big fat guy, or this would
be realllllly difficult!" haha I´m a good english teacher)
we ate tapioka. SO GOOD. oh and we taught lessons and saved souls. And
when we taught one family, we arrived and they were making a cake for
was suuuper interesting. It started out normal with weekly planning,
then when we vistited some investigators, they wanted to give us stuff.
They LOVE us! So they gave us food, then the wife gave us some landarie
(sp??) that she made! I tried to tell her that I was fine and didn´t
need anything, but she got SUPER offeneded, and that´s how I ended up
with landarie in my bag. Well then we went to Maicol´s house, taught a
little- prep for his baptism- Then we taught some new investigators the
Restoration, and the wife bawled. It was truely spiritual. We invited
her to say a pray with us there, and it was the sweetest pray I´ve
heard. then we vistited some old investigators. Well they love us too
and }I about died when the mother pulled out a bag and gave us some (duh
duh duh.....) landarie!!!! She made it too! WHY IN THE WORLD IS
Saturday we had a BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO! Maicol was baptized! And yesterday, Sunday, he was confirmed!
Yesterday we taught a man who was SUPER interested.
We gave him a Book of Mormon the week before and he read all the parts
we marked for him, Nefi, Jacob, And Omni. By himself!!! He even accepted
the baptismal date for this next sunday.
He just has a problem with the Law of Chastity. (This is extremely hard
right now too because of Carnival. Carnival is pretty much the worst
thing ever- created by Satan so people can´t get baptized.)
oh and he made us a cake too. I´m not kidding when I say I will gain weight here!
Anyways, I´´m out of time!
Love you all!
Sister Eliason
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