Anyways, the work is going. We ALMOST had a baptism. I´ll
explain. Our investigator´s name is Wagner (pronounced Vagner) (about
25 or 30) and he was suuper interested. We handed him a Book of Mormon,
and marked a day to pass by. Well, he came to church LAST sunday, and
when we went to his house to teach him later, he had a bijillion
questions. Good questions too. Anyways, he is eating up the Book of
Mormon. One night when we called to see how he is doing with keeping the
commandments and reading, he told us that he read 40 pages of the Book
of Mormon. 40 PAGES!!!! And as of yesterday, he was in the middle of
Alma. He had a baptismal interview Saturday
(which lasted and hour and a half!!!) He wants to be baptized but he
wants to tell his mom first (who is a devout Catholic.) And the other
problem is that he is basically in love with Sister Finlinson. Like he
wants to date her when she finishes her mission (and he even asked about
marriage!) soooooooo basically we have to make sure he´s doing this for
Himself, and not just to please her.
Speaking of Sister Finlinson, we had a conference
call with our zone yesterday, and they told us that in our next transfer
(next week) NOBODY is being transferred!! So I am still with Sister
Finlinson. 3 transfers is a longggg time with one person. She said she´s
necer been with anyone for 3 transfers. It´s a good thing I like her.
hmmmm highlights of this week:
-We went to
teach a man this week who´s house is behind another (common here.
called "fundos") well he didn´t tell us this, so when we showed up (DOWN
POURING) we saw a woman in the front house, and she invited us in.
After talking to her for a little while, we asked where this man was,
and she told us that he lives in back. So we went to talk to him, and he
was furious with us. So mad that we were late and that we were talking
with his enemies." He refused to listen to us more.
-We taught a family of 3 sisters (only 2 were there) and they ended up making dinner for us. People here are really giving.
One night I had a dream about a woman (wife of a member) who we were
going to lunch the next day. She smokes heavily and has almost no desire
to quit. She has gone to church in the past but doesn´t feel like it is
very important. Aslo, she has a fear of leaving the house. Many
missionaries in the past have taught her but have had little to no
success. Anyays, I talked to sis. Finlinson that morning in our Weekly
Planning, and I told her that I had a dream about this woman. Then Sis
Finlinson looked at me and told me that SHE had a dream about this woman
too. We didn´t have the same dream, but I felt impressed to share this
experience with her when we went to lunch. Oh man, the spirit was
strong, but she didn´t show any signs of emotion. (she´s one tough
cookie!!!!!!!!!) but when we got to church on sunday, she was there with her granddaughter, siting in RElief Society.
It´s hard when we don´t have baptisms- like I feel like I´m not a
good missionary. But It´s experiences like these when I remember that I
am here to help others come unto Christ.
Vale a pena! (It´s worth it!)
Love you all, hope you have a wonderful week!
Sister Eliason
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batism of Maicol! |
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loving Sarandi! |
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Sister Solis ( of Paraguay) and I |
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son of a member and I |
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