August 1, 2014
WHAT? Am I speaking Spanish? Must be... I´m pretty sure that God wants me to learn spanish... because my new companion is from MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For all those keeping track
at home, I´ve had a companion from Paraguay, a companion from
Argintina, and a companion from Mexico. All in a row. So yes, I´m
learning a little bit of espanhol.
Anyways my companion´s name is Sister Loyola and she is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can´t love her enough! I am actually still training- this is her
second transfer, so I am finishing up her training. Actually I was a
little bit nervous and felt very unqualified because today is her
birthday (happy birthday to her) and she is turning 24! WHAT?! Yeah, she
already graduated from law school and quit her job in a law firm to
come on a mission. I feel like I don´t have to sacrifice very much just
to be on a mission. I am learning a lot.
This week was pretty good. We found a bunch of new investigators,
got cut by some, and only had 1 in church yesterday. I was feeling
pretty down, but then my companion told me to not get disappointed- we
still have a lot to be grateful for.
Then later that day we went to some investigators who went to
church in a different branch (had a friend/member who invited them) and
we marked some baptismal dates for this next sunday. I´m excited!!!
Ok- can I give you help of what NOT to do during church. So
yesterday was the fifth sunday (duhhh) and thus the men and woman were
combined for priesthood/relief society. Do you know what the lesson was
on? How to clean the chapel and how to properly use the cleaning
equipment. It was less than spiritual. I´m not going to say more about
haha ok- story I forgot to tell last week: We turned
the water on to fill up the font for the baptism of Samara (who is
doing geneology work to prepare to go to the temple this
month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D) And then left to go to
lunch. Usually the fonts here take about 3 hours to fill up. Well here
we have a new chapel, and I´ve never filled up this font. Who knew that
it only takes 1 hour? Not us... Anyways we were at lunch conversando
with the other sisters and they said mentioned that the font only needs 1
hour, so we called someone who was at the church to turn off the water.
When we finally got bacck to the church, he told us that he turned it
off, but when we went to see how the font was, we realized that he
didn´t know how, and that the water was still going. And may or may not
have flooded the woman´s bathroom. hehe. and we may or may not have had
to spend 45 minutes taking water OUT of the font and cleaning the
bathroom.... hahahahah oh well. the baptism was WONDERFUL!!!!
Yesterday we sang in Sacrament meeting (the sisters) It was lovely.
Ok, I don´t have anymore navidades. (new news)
Just know that I know this work is of the Lord- I see his hand in my life. I am so grateful to serve!!!!
Love ya all!
Sister Eliason
Tender Mercies
August 25, 2014
This week was absolutely amazing! First things first on my mind:
Tender Mercies
August 25, 2014
This week was absolutely amazing! First things first on my mind:
WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!! I don´t want to pick favorites or anything,
but I have never been so grateful to teach someone like her. She has a
love for us and the gospel. She tells us this a lot. Yesterday she bore
her testimony in Gospel Principles:
"One night I had an argument with my mom about the church. She
doesn´t want me to be baptized... it wasn´t very pretty, this arguement,
and I left and entered my room. I started praying to Heavenly Father if
this really is his plan for me, if it is worth it to continue learning
these things. Right when I was at my lowest point, the missionaries
called me to see if how I was. They comforted me and told me to continue
reading and praying and that this is the path to happiness. I know for
certain that Heavenly Father answers my prayers and he loves me.
Yesterday, my mom even came to my baptism."
THIS is why I am a missionary. I cannot even express
how I feel to help change the lives of people like her for the better. I
don´t think I´ve ever felt so much happiness in my life.
said, this work is EXTREMELY HARD!!!! (We had like nobody at church
yesterday, and all of our investigators are turning wishy-washy....
nobody is progressing.) But I have faith for this next transfer.
Today is transfers, and I will stay here, but my
companion just got an email saying that she will be transfered... I´m
sad, I´ve really grown to love her, but thus is the life of a
Hey, give references to your local missionaries!!!! They
will love you! If you don´t have any references, pray to find someone.
Like it says in Preach My Gospel, maybe you talked to someone who needs
the Gospel YESTERDAY.
This week it is getting SUPER DUPER HOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! time to pull out the sunscreen...
are you all? Good luck bros with school- and Tyler with sophmore year
of college! Don´t go on TOO many dates- you´re not allowed to get
married until I get back, ok?
Pray with faith.
Sister Eliason
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