Anyways, random funny thing:
there´s a crazy old lady member in our branch who arrived in the middle
of sacrament meeting yesterday (3rd hour) and went straight to the
podium yesterday to bare her testimony. She got up there and
congratulated some couple who got engaged, asked if the wedding was
going to be at the church and if there is going to be a bolino (little
cake.) Everyone laughed. Ahhhh, I hear this was relativly tame to what
she normally says...
This week we saw a miracle- I really testify that
the Lord´s hand is over this work and he protects us. So we were walking
down the street to Capitão´s house (our ward mission leader) and a man
stopped us in the street. He told us he wants us to teach him. (good
right?!) But he was a little drunk (and maybe a bit more...) and he
started trying to convince us to go inside his house to teach him. But
we told that we couldn´t because there was no woman in the house. But he
kept insisting and getting closer and closer and I was getting more
uncomfortable every second. But then just then, the District President´s
wife, Marcelene, happened to drive down the street and she saw us. She
stopped and spoke very clearly with the man. We all walked down the
street to the house of Capitão and the man went home and we went inside
Capitão´s house. I have no doubts that Marcelene felt inspired to drive
down this particular street, but I am so glad that there are people
worthy who listen to the whisperings of the Spirit. I tell this story
not to you worry you, but to help you realize how important it is to
always live worthy to feel and act upon the holy spirit.
Last week arrived an Elder from the USA, and I
totally remember what it´s like not being able to understand or speak
portuguese. Hey all you preparing to leave on missions, the GIFT OF
TONGUES IS REAL! Just have patience and pray. (Fun fact: the prophet is
blessed with ALL the gifts of the Spirit.)
Ok, about our investigators:
Sueli- she
went to church again, is fulfilling all the commitments, and is living
the commandments. She says she wants to be 100% certain that this is the
correct church and doesn´t want to make a mistake. We talked a little
about faith with her. Next time we will break out our secret weapon:
Alma 7:15 baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look it up, feel the spirit, weep, and go help someone be baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ademir- that one man whose wife pulled him out of
church. Well, he came to church AGAIN!!!!! (In case you´re counting at
home folks, that´s 4 weeks in a row that he´s come- WITHOUT anyone
reminding him to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (CAN YOU SAY
ELECT!?!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!/!?!?!/1!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! I´M FREAKING OUT HE´S SO GREAT!)
Anyways, apparently his wife wasn´t in town and she didn´t know he
came again. So what did we do? We pulled him out of priesthood meeting
and taught him the Restoration. He told us that since he came the first
time, he knows that the church is true. He told us it is so perfectly
organized and has a peace here unlike any other church or place in the
world. He told us he wants to be baptized because he KNOWS his previous
baptism in another church wasn´t valid. But he told us he won´t tell his
wife. PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!! We have zone conference this week (which I´m
super stoked about) and I plan on talking to President Genaro about this
Hey all you there!!! Go share the gospel with
someone! Post of facebook what you know is true! Go serve someone. Also,
interesting thing about keeping the Sabbath day holy- it doesn´t jsut
mean lounging around doing nothing- it´s about serving others and
strengthening your faith as well as others. If your activities on Sunday
aren´t helping your spirit grow, you should probably think twice about
if you really are keeping the Sabboth day holy. (remember, this is one
of the 10 commandments given to Moses.) Also, God NEVER EVER EVER
changes his commandments.
Love you all!
Sister Eliason
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Plate of food- very brazilian: little bit of churrasco, farofa, rice and beans, and mandioca (sp???!) |
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