This week was kind of uneventful... but HOLY COW!!!! It was SO HOT! these past couple of days it was ridiculous- and saturday
night, NOBODY slept well. We were all waking up in the night because of
the heat. Even with the fans fully on. Oh well, yesterday was good (I
love church!!!) and in the afternoon, some investigators gave us some mangoes, so I´m pretty excited to eat them when they are ripe. And then
last night, the rain came!
OH GLORIA!!!! We yelled for
delight!!! But the joy lasted for a couple minutes because it started
raining SUPER HARD! And we were so blessed to be inside! But then the
water started to come in under the door of the balcony.... at least we
lived on the second floor- off the ground! So at least we had a head
start on our weekly cleaning! Have to think positivly!
you know there are 852 factories that produce food and beverages here
in the city of Marília? Including Nestle and Marilan, and other major
Brazilian brands. Fun fact.
We taught one young
couple the other day the Plan of Salvation. And I´ve never had a lesson
where the investigators were so interested. They understood everything
(this couple is very smart) and it was so AWESOME! I think we responded
many questions that they didn´t even know they had. The only problem was
that they still havn´t come to church. :/ Which is difficult. Because
we are here to help people make covenants of salvation. Principally
baptism. And they can´t do that until they come to church.
and to remind all you ex-missionaries: NO CHURCH, NO BAPTISM!
anyways, that´s what´s been happening. I am so grateful to be here, to
serve. Study your scriptures EVERY day! and PRAY! and never lose faith
or hope!
Sister Eliason
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