BOM DIA COM MUITO ALEGRIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First off- CONGRATULATIONS SISTER RENEE DIONNE and your mission call to PAris, France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also COngratulations to Elder Brandon Howard and your mission call to
Fiji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It´s super de duper awesome that I have friends
so close to the Lord and willing to serve him. I love you all!
Today is yet again, another jogo do BRASIL!!!!!! So email time is super early. Ok
This week was kind of awesome! A lot happened.
First off, I finally received letters!
This week the sister training leaders came to do divisions. And it was my first time doing that- oh man, it was so great!
we had a church activity, and Sister Henrik and I were able to bring
one of our investigators, Carlos, and Sister Saldanha happened to
mention about baptism. He LOved the activity but had to leave early so
we didn´t get a chance to tlak to him a lot.
Wednesday, I let sister Henrik and one of the sister training
leaders take all the appointments for the day, and the other, Sister
Saldanha (who I lived with in Campo Morão) and I spent the day finding
people and new investigators. Basically we took the hard day, but it
ended up being very rewarding. We talked with a TON of people and I
learned lots. We passed by Carlos at night, but he was already sleeping.
The next day, Sister Henrik and I passed by Carlos again, and the
first thing he said to us was this: I have a question about baptism,
because I want ot be baptized.
MISSIONARY DREAM COME TURE!!!!!!!! These past couple weeks have
been SUPER difficult- finding people to teach (good people) and bringing
people to church. It´s been such a trial of faith. But this week, I
decided to fast and pray for a miracle. Oh wow, the Senhor definetly
answers prayers. But it´s not for me, it´s for the Lord´s kingdom.
Carlos came to church yesterday.
AHHH! So much to say, yet I´m out of time!
know I love you! Invite the missionaries over for dinner. Give them
referneces!! (even if they´re far away) Give them food. Give them love!
Sister Eliason
SPEAK WITH EVERYONE ABOUT THE GOSPLE! I invited our apartment neighbor
Saturday night to come to church SUnday. HE came. MIRACLE!!!
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the sister training leaders! |
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we went to the very top of our apartment complex at dawn and took pictures. |
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