Monday, June 30, 2014

What's up!?

June 23, 2014

BOM DIA COM MUITO ALEGRIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First off- CONGRATULATIONS SISTER RENEE DIONNE and your mission call to PAris, France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also COngratulations to Elder Brandon Howard and your mission call to Fiji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It´s super de duper awesome that I have friends so close to the Lord and willing to serve him. I love you all!

Today is yet again, another jogo do BRASIL!!!!!! So email time is super early. Ok
This week was kind of awesome! A lot happened.
First off, I finally received letters!

This week the sister training leaders came to do divisions. And it was my first time doing that- oh man, it was so great!
Tuesday we had a church activity, and Sister Henrik and I were able to bring one of our investigators, Carlos, and Sister Saldanha happened to mention about baptism. He LOved the activity but had to leave early so we didn´t get a chance to tlak to him a lot.
Wednesday, I let sister Henrik and one of the sister training leaders take all the appointments for the day, and the other, Sister Saldanha (who I lived with in Campo Morão) and I spent the day finding people and new investigators. Basically we took the hard day, but it ended up being very rewarding. We talked with a TON of people and I learned lots. We passed by Carlos at night, but he was already sleeping.
The next day, Sister Henrik and I passed by Carlos again, and the first thing he said to us was this: I have a question about baptism, because I want ot be baptized. 
MISSIONARY DREAM COME TURE!!!!!!!! These past couple weeks have been SUPER difficult- finding people to teach (good people) and bringing people to church. It´s been such a trial of faith. But this week, I decided to fast and pray for a miracle. Oh wow, the Senhor definetly answers prayers. But it´s not for me, it´s for the Lord´s kingdom. Carlos came to church yesterday.

AHHH! So much to say, yet I´m out of time!

Jsut know I love you! Invite the missionaries over for dinner. Give them referneces!! (even if they´re far away) Give them food. Give them love!

Sister Eliason

P.s. SPEAK WITH EVERYONE ABOUT THE GOSPLE! I invited our apartment neighbor Saturday night to come to church SUnday. HE came. MIRACLE!!!

the sister training leaders!

we went to the very top of our apartment complex at dawn and took pictures.

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