WEEK WAS INSANE! Sooooo much stuff happened. I will try to cover it
all, but I will go day by day to keep it all organized.
monday- we cleaned our apartment in preparation for transferes.
Sister Finlinson and I arrived in Sarandi first and were picked up from
the bus station by the Bishop's wife (We have a WARD here!!!!) Well we
are staying in the same apartment that the elders stayed in, and OH MAN.
I'm sorry, but I lost a lot of respect for them because of how they
left it. It was a DISASTERRRRRRRRR! For example, I had to clean an OLD
old old pan on which they had cooked eggs. Every room was like a
tornado, and it obviously hadn't been cleaned in months. Well, we spent
the first day there (ALL DAY) cleaning. The other sisters arrived and
joined us in cleaning. Then we went to the church where we met the
bishop. I´m excited- he seems really on top of the missionary work here,
and he gave us a list of people he feels needs to be contacted. Great
after study, we went to lunch, then returned to clean some more.
Finally we left for part of the evening to teach, and got lost. of
course. But anyways, we finally found the house of the one investigator
that the elders left us. Edizla- shes really great and has a desire to
be baptized. But she has a complicated problem- her ex-husband moved
back in with her, and she is too nice to tell him to leave. It's
complicated because he legitly has sckitzophrenia. (SP??) He sees people
and is a different person at night, so he needs to stay somewhere safe.
For other reasons also, Edizla doesn't want to marry him again, and so
shes stuck in a rut. A situation I thought I would never run
into....Yeah, lots of prayers and hope and faith.
District meeting, and I finally got all your letters and Tyler's
package!!! THANK YOU mom and Aunt Dee for the letters!! I love them! and
Elder Tyler Eliason, thank you for the hand-made compilation of
portuguese scriptures! Love it! Then we went to lunch in a different
city where some members lived, then returned and talked with tons of
people, then it stormed. MAJOR. The biggest storm of my life I think.
Well, the elders called and told us to go to a house of a member, but
not knowing ANY members or where they lived, we took cover in the
nearest place possible- an ice cream shop. :) It was a good night...
until we returned home and discovered our apartment without power. then
we walked inside and discovered it had flooded as well. So we spent
quite a while cleaning up all the water in the dark. This is essential
because we have to sleep on the floor (the bunkbeds are broken). So yeah
that was fun. it was a long night. Oh, and also it was my 3 month
mission mark!!!!! Parabéns para mim....! haha
We went to what we thought was a members house. WE clapped at the gate
and a young man came out. We asked if Irmã Pricilla lived there, and he
asked "my mom?" never actually having met Pricilla, we assumed yes, so
we naturally said yes. Well he let us in and we started talking to his
mother about the Elders and some old investigators. As we continued, a
look of confusion appeared on her face. Finally she said "sorry- I don't
know many people here- Ive only lived here for 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
AHHH SO EMBARRASSING! Se we explained who we were and the name of the
church and asked if she had ever heard of it. She said she hadn´t, so we
explained our purpose as missionaries, then taught her and her son the
first lesson (the restoration) right there and committed them to a
baptismal date. So it turned out to be a good thing in the end..
we got a new washing machine, oven/stove, and fridge!!! and then went to
choir where I was instantly recruited to play the piano. YAY! Then we
worked hard. We got a lot of referrals and 9 new investigators!
Church was really good, and I'm also the new ward pianist :) I guess
it's been a while scince the ward has sung with the piano... Then we
went to lunch....... CHURRASCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, I love this city- I have a lot of hope for it! This church is true, the book is blue, and God is a mormon!
Love you lots (and as cousin logan once did, here is a virtual hug: ***hug***)
Sister Eliason
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