-I bore my testimony in Spanish in our district meeting. Who would have thought that I would ever be able to do that!? :)
- Thursday was my one year mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did a division with Sister Jeintara and we worked super hard and sweated a ton that day. it was good.
Yesterday, I finished Jesus the Chirst!!!!! It took me one year of 10
minutes a day, but I read every page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we had an open house for the church. Basically we missionaries pulled
people off the street and showed them the church building- it´s super
beautiful here in Iguatamy, Marília. Everyone who entered was super
impressed and felt the spirit. And it was a miracle. The next day, we
passed by the house of one of these people who entered to pick him up
for church, and he was ready and waiting for us. (SUPER MIRACLE!!!!!!)
- my poor companion. We are staying in the house a lot because she can´t really walk. :( I love her.
-This church is true!!! I love it because I know it is Christ´s church. I am grateful I am serving him.
-These moments are so precious. I only have left 6 months!!!!!!! WHAT?! Time is passing by so quickly!
I love you all!
Sister Eliason
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