Monday, November 24, 2014

Living on a prayer.... and mangos :)

What´s the best thing when you are a poor missionary? FREE MANGOES!!!!! Seriously- It´s mango season! And mangoes are falling from the trees on the side of the road like rain, so not only do we pick the mangoes ourselves, but everyone is giving some to us :))))) I love mangos :)

This week was pretty good- I LOVE my new companion!!!!! SISTER MOREIRA!!!! From Portugal!!!!!!! (Porto, Portugal) She reminds me of cousin Catherine!

So Luis was confirmed yesterday, and he´s doing so well! Every day we visit him, he´s telling us about how he´s feeling stronger. It´s slow, but it´s coming and he´s seeing and feeling the change. THIS IS THE MIRACLE OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST! 

This week was pretty uneventful and far as exciting things go- we got some references from members, and it rained a ton, but we have high spirits!

Sorry if I don´t write a ton- I really am having a ton of spiritual experiences and feeling my heavenly father´s love every day. I usually like to write about interesting things that happen throughout the week...

But good news- Sister Genaro ( the mission president´s wife, who is in charge of all things medical) she marked a new appointment for me in Londrina to see a nerve specialist. I´m excited!!!!!! For londrina. And to see if they can figure out what´s wrong. Ok- I have to stop writing- I would be in a ton of trouble if the other doctor saw how much I wrote right now...

Love you all!!!!
Sister Eliason

life is crazy- super great, but crazy

So highlights of this week!!!

-LUIZ was baptized!!!!!! he was a miracle that came to the church open house! I had some AMAZING experiences teaching him. I´ll tell you one. Luiz had a problem with the Word of Wisdom. (aka, he drank, smoked, and drank coffee) but after teaching him, when we returned, and he told us of how the day before, he passed by a bar and his friends called out to him to come and drink with them. But he told them "NO!" woooohoooo!! And even better, he told us that as he was walking away, he felt stronger. This is amazing! And I was thinking of how this happens in our lives: we all get tempted, but as we make the right choices, we will feel Heavenly Father´s approval and support.
-My companion is leaving today. It´s sad because she has to return to her house to recover. :( AT least we got to celebrate her birthday this week!
-I heard a rumor of whom my next companion will be. She´s from Portugal. (Grandma and Grandpa Eliason, where did you serve in Portugal!?!)

I love you all!!!!
Sister Eliason

-VAIIII CORINTHIONS!!! (That´s for you Tyler... kkkkk We´ve got to have at least a little bit of family rivalry, right?!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

terra do biscoito

Awesome things that happened this week:

-I bore my testimony in Spanish in our district meeting. Who would have thought that I would ever be able to do that!? :)
- Thursday was my one year mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did a division with Sister Jeintara and we worked super hard and sweated a ton that day. it was good.
- Yesterday, I finished Jesus the Chirst!!!!! It took me one year of 10 minutes a day, but I read every page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
-Saturday we had an open house for the church. Basically we missionaries pulled people off the street and showed them the church building- it´s super beautiful here in Iguatamy, Marília. Everyone who entered was super impressed and felt the spirit. And it was a miracle. The next day, we passed by the house of one of these people who entered to pick him up for church, and he was ready and waiting for us. (SUPER MIRACLE!!!!!!)
- my poor companion. We are staying in the house a lot because she can´t really walk. :( I love her. 
-This church is true!!! I love it because I know it is Christ´s church. I am grateful I am serving him. 
-These moments are so precious. I only have left 6 months!!!!!!! WHAT?! Time is passing by so quickly!

I love you all!
Sister Eliason


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I don´t want to worry you all, but I have to explain why my emails are short.

-Well the Doctor told me that I cant carry anything in my hands and that I´m restricted to play the piano or type on the computer for 1 month.

- I´m having spiritual experiences.

- My companion is AMAZING but she´s in such far worse condition than I am, I´m forgetting about myself.

-I´m still the whitest one in our house.

-I´ll send lots of photos.

cookies for a Family home evening.... people love me :)