Also, Saturday
night we had a church activity that us missionaries were in charge of.
We did the Iron Rod activity where everyone is blindfolded and they have
to hold onto a rope. Meanwhile, they have the Holy Ghost at their side
helping them, and occasionaly the Devil will come and try to persuade
them to let go. I thought it went really well. However, I guess it was
poorly announced because only like 20 people were there. And these
people were the people that had choir Right before the activity.
Speaking of choir- it´s reallllllly interesting and slightly
humorous. The missionaries were asked to participate in choir because if
we´re not there, the women are shy about singing. The problem is I
literally think that being tone-deaf is genetic here, especially for
males. like half of the men in the choir are tone-deaf. However, at
least they know how to pronounce the words correctly... haha
Other than that, this week was pretty normal. Which is good. I can
echo Elder Eliason´s words about the weather, especially since he´s only
like 400 miles south of me. So yeah, it was HOTTTTTT then massive
storm, then HOT!!!
Random story- This week we were teaching a lesson,
and this woman´s pet chicken wandered in, started pecking at some bugs
on the ground, then fell asleep. I realized that the weird thing is that
this was totally normal- it wasn´t weird at all. hahahaha!
Thank you so much for all your love and prayers!
Share the gospel this week!!!! It´s so important. People´s salvation is
on the line! Just think about it- you can change someone´s SALVATION!
Com amor,
Sister Eliason
tyler, why the heck are you sleeping on the floor? You should have a
mattress... and I thought you bought yourself a hammock too...
p.p.s. CONGRATULATIONS SISTER CHLOE ANDERSON ON YOUR MISSION CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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