Sunday was fast sunday, so we had meetings ALL MORNING! Hey dad, I kind of know how you feel with all your bishopric meetings you had. but on a smaller scale. But seriously, 3 -4 hours of straight meetings. Don't get me wrong, I love being a Sister Training Leader, but I seriously don't have any open time on Sundays. Oh well. :) Also, there are only 2 districts in our zone, which is also our branch. And 3 elders in the other district got their visas so they are in Brazil. So there are only 17 people in our branch. For sacrament meeting, we just went down the 2 two rows and each bore our testimonies. I hear that we are getting new missionaries this next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
So on Tuesday, it snowed. and snowed. and snowed. and snowed. It was awesome until we went to devotional that night and learned that ELDER M. RUSSELL BALLARD was supposed to come and speak! BUT he couldn't make it "due to weather conditions." I'm guessing he was flying back from somewhere in the world, and his plane couldn't land.... oh well, the man who spoke instead was really good, and I think it was exactly what I needed to hear that day.
So we have the SUPER LEGAL (cool) experience from this week on until we leave: we are all pretending to be investigators and teach each other. This is a WAY awesome experience. We each picked someone we know who we think could use the gospel, and pretend to be them. It is amazing how real it feels. (and I'm not telling who I am...)
Anyways, a bunch of you asked if the investigators we teach are "real" investigators. Answer: yes and no. So technically no. Right now, our other investigators are our teachers pretending to be the investigators. However, they each have chosen people they know from their missions who they taught. And our teachers act like them, and follow commitments like them and seriously, it feels SO REAL. Example: my teacher irma Tirrell, is super outgoing and very excited about everything. She is always so happy and just sooo amazing. Well, she is our investigator, Silmara, who is so shy, whose husband was a memeber but he died. She has a couple of kids, and is just really sad. She doesn't think that God loves her or answers her prayers, and it is apparent she feels lonely. We take these lessons very seriously because they are.
So this week,our district was supposed to HOST. This was when we welcome the new missionaries and take them to get their stuff and find their classes. But we didnt' get the letter that we were supposed to do this untilWEDNESDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uuuuuuuugggggggggg! Kind of frustrated. oh well, maybe I wasn't supposed to host because I would have seen my family who was dropping off Serino. And tudo bem por que nos estamos hosting next week. sorry, (it's all good because we are hosting next week.) My portuguese and english run together all the time. kind of like spanglish, but portugish...
But speaking of Serino, (I mean Elder Serino (woah that's weird to say)) I haven't seen him at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been looking everywhere for him, but nada. I also have been on the look for a mustard brown/yellow parka, but I haven't seen any of those either.... If I see him, I'll try to get a picture.
Random fact: Did you know the Iguassu Falls is in my mission?!?!!?!?!:!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Like I've been flippin' out!!! Yeah, My mission touches Paraguay and Argentina, but the falls is in my mission!!! I seriously hope that my mission pres. will let us go!!!!
I love you all, and I love getting letters from you! THanks! Keep them coming!! I know that this work is the work of the Lord, and I love being his servant. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints is the same church Christ established, and I'm grateful to be a part of it.
Sister Eliason
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