SO on Sunday, we normally have interviews with our branch presidency, but this time, both my companion, Sister Schumacher, and I were called in, and we were asked to be the new zone Sister Training Leaders!!!! It's kind of like the zone leaders, but just for the Sisters. So on Wednesday, we had a new district arrive in our zone, so as the Sister Training Leaders, we welcomed them and showed them around, and made sure they are comfortable, etc. It's more responsibility, but that also means more room for blessings, right?
Today is the last day we can go to the temple before it closes, so who knows what we are going to do during our next P-days.... Oh, and I saw uncle Scott last week in the temple, but he didn't see me because he was working with someone else. Oh well, it was still neat :)
Random note: my branch presidency is super nice, but they are kind of strict. They asked us to not ever write letters unless it is P-Day, and although we have slightly more personal time on P-day, it is still very limited, and it's hard to write to everyone I want to. SO just know that I love you all!! Our theme of our branch is: obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles.
Sooo, teaching in Portuguese: pretty good. We finished with our first investigator, Geferçon, and now we are teaching two more: Silmara and Batista. Yeah, apparently Brazilians have interesting names...
Well Silmara is a woman whose husband was a member but died, and she's super sad and quiet, and we can never hear what she's saying. We always have to ask her to repeat herself, not because we can't understand her, but because she speaks so quietly WE CAN'T HEAR HER!!! But, those lessons are SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! Like the spirit is so strong every time, and she even committed to baptism... after she learns everything of course. and I was so proud of her yesterday: she said a prayer in front of us! Sometimes we forget that when an investigator prays, this may be the very first time they've ever talked to Heavenly Father in their lives.
Ok, and Batista. I am at a loss with him. He wants to do good, and his wife just got baptized and his son is on a mission too, but I am having a hard time figuring out what his needs are.
And this is a good thing though: I am now more worried about what the needs of my investigators are than how I am going speak. I feel like I can talk about pretty much anything in the evangelho de Jesus Cristo, so I am focusing on more the investigators rather than the lessons themselves.
The food is ok. Kind of makes me feel "no jento" (gross) so I eat salad and wraps mostly.
On Wednesday, the 2 other districts from my zone got their reassignments!!! (sorry, no DC SOUTH missions :( ) Well it was CRAZYYYY!! You know how a missionary feels when their get their mission call and the anticipation and everything,and then they open it and freak out. Well imagine almost 20 missionaries opening their calls at the same time. And they have already had this crazy 6 week training of the spirit. Yeah, it was super awesome.
Well, I love you all!!! Please write me some dearelder letters!!!!! That is one of the best parts of the day!
Eu sei que este igreja e verdaderia, e que Deua amo todos Suas filhos. Eu sou grato por a expiação de Jesus Cristo e que quando nós arrepedemento, nós pedemos não tem nossos pecados. Eu amo voçes!!!
Sister Eliason
Ps. Sorry if what I wrote in Portuguese is not spelled at all correctly. We speak a TON more than we write.
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